Nursery Care Attendants

Our church has nursery care attendants who are available on Sunday mornings during both worship services. They are very capable and loving church members who enjoy loving on our infants and children. Marni Watson has faithfully served as Nursery Coordinator for more than 25 years.

Nursery Philosophy

Welcome to the IGNITE – FBCK nursery. We believe the way in which we love and care for little ones lays a foundation for their faith and trust in God. It is our ministry to work as partners with parents in sharing God with the children in our care. Therefore, it is our goal to provide the best possible care in an environment that is safe and loving for the youngest members of our church family.

There is no charge for our nursery services.

Parents will be offered a pager upon leaving your child in the nursery. This enables our nursery attendant to be able to get a hold of you anytime your child is in our nursery care. This is just another way that we offer peace of mind to parents.

Nursery Schedule

The nursery is available during both worship services. Children who are newborn through 3 years old are welcome to be in the nursery. When they turn four they are promoted to the children’s department.

Health Guidelines

We want to keep our babies and children healthy so we follow a well-child policy. In order to do so, we ask that you please keep your child home if any of the following occurs:

  • Your child has a fever or has had a fever in the last 24 hours
  • Your child has vomited or had diarrhea within the last 24 hours
  • Your child has pink eye, frequent coughing, or skin rash
  • Your child is being treated with an antibiotic and has not been on the medication for at least 24 hours before coming to the nursery

For your child’s protection, we ask our caregivers to follow the same policy.